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In today’s internet age, our lives are filled with a myriad of colorful screen displays, and digital brand communication is evolving rapidly to keep pace with the times and technology. Print media, it seems, is on the verge of departing from our lives even before we fully understand it.

From an era where visual and tactile experiences coexisted to the present purely visual age, it seems that the younger generation has limited knowledge about the realm of printing. What we remember are Reader’s Digest magazines sold at newsstands, fashion magazines, various books at bookstores, and the five-year mock exams leading up to the three-year college entrance exams.
Occasionally, we can still get our hands on a newspaper, often hurriedly picked up at the subway station.
Flipping through it in a sparsely populated train carriage, feeling the rough paper texture, smelling the ink, hearing the folding sound—these experiences stand in stark contrast to the fast-paced notifications on our smartphones, creating a juxtaposition of time and space.

Going off on a tangent— even in the digital age, print media remains an integral part of our lives. The quality expressed through printing craftsmanship is unexpectedly in demand, offering a sense of holding something important in our hands. High-quality paper, combined with exceptional printing techniques, coupled with the solid layout designs by designers, comprehensively reflect the visual character of companies and brands.
It adorns our lives continuously, and when compared to digital media, what if there’s a power outage?